Portable Response Emergency Plan, Emergency Operations Plan, Emergency Preparedness

Portable Response Emergency Plan (P.R.E.P.)

Accreditation and regulatory agencies like The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and The Joint Commission (TJC) require health care facilities to have an Emergency Operations Plan. Too often those plans are paper-based, time-consuming to maintain, and scattered throughout a facility.

HAPevolve’s Portable Response Emergency Plan (P.R.E.P.) moves your plan out of the three-ring binder and puts it at the fingertips of users who need it. This mobile, web-based, customizable, solution allows you to update your plans in real time, meet regulatory requirements, and ensure that users have the information they need immediately.

With P.R.E.P., your plan is available to your staff on any screen, anytime, anywhere!


Watch to learn more about PREP and how it can improve response time and accessibility to handle emergencies.

Why P.R.E.P.?

Health care organizations can use the platform to host their plans, distribute real-time updates, and deploy facility-specific files and information. P.R.E.P. instantly delivers your emergency procedures to be implemented by your staff when an emergency occurs.

Request a Demo! Schedule a live demo with one of our HAPevolve team members. We can show you how quick and easy this platform is, answer your questions, and review ways HAPevolve's P.R.E.P. solution can help your organization. Are you PREPared?

